
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ANTRON(Ἀντρών, Hom. Strab.; Ἀντρῶνες, Dem.: Eth. Ἀντρώνιος: Fanó), a town of Thessaly in the district Phthiotis, at the entrance of the Maliac gulf, and opposite Oreus in Euboea. It is mentioned in the Iliad (2.697) as one of the cities of Protesilaus, and also in the Homeric hymn to Demeter (489) as under the protection of that goddess. It was purchased by Philip of Macedon, and was taken by the ROMANS in their war with Perseus. (Dem. Phil. 4. p. 133, Reiske; Liv. 42.42, 67.) It probably owed its long existence to the composition of its rocks, which furnished some of the best millstones in Greece; hence the epithet of πετρήειςgiven to it in the hymn to Demeter (l. c.). Off Antron was a sunken rock (ἕρμα νφαλον) called the Ὄνος Ἀντρῶνος, or mill-stone of Antron. (Strab. p. 435; Steph. B. s. v.;Hesych. s. v. Μνλη;Eustath. in Il. l. c.;Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 4. p. 349.)

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