AQUILA´RIA a place on the coast of Zeugitana, 22 M. P. from Clupea, with a good summer roadstead, between two projecting headlands, where Curio landed from Sicily before his defeat and death, B.C. 49. (Caes. B.C. 2.23.) The place seems to correspond to Alhowareah, a little SW. of C. Bon(Pr. Mercurii), where are the remains of the great stone-quarries used in the building of Utica and Carthage. These quarries run up from the sea, and form great caves, lighted by openings in the roof, and supported by pillars. They are doubtless the quarries at which Agathocles landed from Sicily (Diod. 20.6); and Shaw considers them to answer exactly to Virgil's description of the landing place of Aeneas. ( Aen. 1.163; Shaw, pp. 158, 159; Barth, Wanderungen, &c., pp. 132, 133.)