Argos Pelasgicum

Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARGOS PELA´SGICUM(Ἄργος Πελασγικόν), was probably employed by Homer (Hom. Il. 2.681) to signify the whole of Thessaly. Some critics have supposed that by Pelasgic Argos the poet alluded to a city, and that this city was the same as the Thessalian Larissa; but it has been correctly observed, that the line of the Catalogue in which Pelasgic Argos is named marks a separation of the poet's topography of Southern Greece and the Islands from that of Northern Greece; and that by Pelasgic Argos he meant Pelasgic Greece, or the country included within the mountains Cnemis, Oeta, Pindus, and Olympus, and stretching eastward to the sea; in short, Thessaly in its most extended sense.(Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 4. p. 532.)