
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARNA(Ἄρνα: Eth. Arnas-ātis), a city of Umbria, mentioned both by Silius Italicus and Ptolemy, as well as by Pliny, who enumerates the Arnates among the inland towns of that province. (Sil. Ital.; Ptol. 3.1.54; Plin. Nat. 3.14. s. 19.) Both Silius and Ptolemy associate it with Hispellum, Mevania, and other cities in the western part of Umbria; and the inscriptions discovered at Civitella d'Arno, a small town on a hill about 5 miles E. of Perugia, but on the opposite side of the Tiber, leave no doubt that this occupies the site of Arna. Some remains of a temple still exist there, and besides inscriptions, some of which attest its municipal rank, numerous minor objects of antiquity have been discovered on the spot. (Cluver. Ital. p 626; Vermiglioli, Dell' antica Città d'Arna Umbro-Etrusca, 8vo., Perugia, 1800; Orell. Inscr. 90, 91.) Cluverius and others have supposed the Aharna, or Adharna of Livy (Liv. 10.25), be the same with Arna, but this is probably a stake. [AHARNA]

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