
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

A´ROSIS(Ἄροσις, Arrian, Ind. 39), a river which flowed into the Persian Gulf, forming the boundary of Susiana and Persis. It is the same as the Oroatis (Ὀροάτις;in Zend. Aurwat, swift) of Strabo (xv. pp. 727, 729), and of Ptolemy (Ptol. 6.4.1). Arrian and Strabo both state that it was the chief river in those parts. It answers to the Zarotis of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 6.23. s. 26), ostio difficilis nisi peritis.It is now called the Tab. ( Geogr. Nub. p. 123; Otter, vol. 2. p. 49.) Cellarius (3.100.9) has conjectured that the Arosis of Arrian, the Rogomanis of Ptolemy (Ptol. 6.4.2), and Amm. Marc. (23.6), and the Persian Araxes (Strab. 15. p. 729), are different names of one and the same river : but this does not seem to be the case.