
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ARSENA´RIA(Itin. Ant. p. 14; Ἀρσεναρία κολωνία, Ptol. 4.2.3; Arsennaria Latinorum, Plin. Nat. 5.2. s. 1; Arsinna, Mela, 1.6.1: Arzew, Ru.), an important city of Numidia, or, according to the later division, of Mauretania Caesariensis, 3 M. P. from the sea, between Quiza and the mouth of the Chinalaph (a few minutes W. of the meridian of Greenwich). That it was a place of considerable importance is proved by its ruins, among which are the cisterns for collecting rain-water, which extended beneath the whole town. There are also several Roman inscriptions. (Shaw, pp. 29, 30, or p. 14, 2nd ed.; Barth, Wanderungen, &c. p. 59.)

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