
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ASTI´GI, AST´GIS(Αστιγίς, Ptol. 2.4.14; Strab. 3. p. 141, corrupted into Ἀστήναςin all the MSS.).

1. ASTIGITANA COLONIA AUGUST FIRMA( Ecija), was, under the Romans, one of the chief cities of Hispania Baetica, and the seat of a conventus juridicus.It stood in the plain of the Baetis, some distance S. of the river, on its tributary the Singulis ( Genil), which began here to be navigable. It was at the junction of the roads from Corduba ( Cordova) and Emerita ( Merida) to Hispalis ( Seville), at the respective distances of 36 M. P., 105 M. P., and 58 M. P. ( Itin. Ant. pp. 413, 414; Mela, 2.6.4; Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3; Florez, Esp. S. 10. p. 72.)

2. ASTIGI VETUS( Alameda), a free city of Hispania Baetica, N. of Antiquaria ( Antequera), belonging to the Conventus Astigitanus [see No. 1]. (Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3; Florez, Esp. S. 10. p. 74.)