
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

ASTRAEUM(Liv. 40.24; Ἀστραιά, Steph. B. s.v.;Ἄλστραιον, Ptol. 3.13.27), a town of Paeonia in Macedonia, which Leake identifies with Strúnmitza. Aelian ( H. An. 15.1) speaks of a river Astraeus, flowing between Thessalonica and Berrhoea, which Leake supposes to be the same as the Vistrítza. Tafel, however, conjectures that Astraeus in Aelian is a false reading for Axius. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iii. pp. 293, 466, seq.; Tafel, Thessalonica, p. 312, seq.)