
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A fortress in the S. of Arcadia, and in the territory of Megalopolis, is described by Plutarch as a position in advance of the Lacedaemonian frontier (ἐμβολὴ τῆς Λακωνικῆς), and near Belemina. It was fortified by Cleomenes in B.C. 224, and was frequently taken and retaken in the wars between the Achaean League and the Spartans. Leake supposes that it occupied the summit of Mount Tzimbarú, on which there are some remains of an Hellenic fortress. In that case it must have been a different place from the Athenaeum mentioned by Pausanias on the road from Megalopolis to Asea, and 20 stadia from the latter. (Plut. Cleom. 4; Plb. 2.46, 54, 4.37, 60, 81; Paus. 8.44. § § 2, 3; Leake, Peloponnesiaca, p. 248.)

2. A fortress in Athamania in Epeirus, described by Livy as finibus Macedoniae subjectum,and apparently near Gomphi. Leake places it on a height, a little above the deserted village of Apáno Porta, or Porta Panaghía. (Liv. 28.1, 39.25; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iv. pp. 212, 525.)

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