
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BAE´CULA(Βαίκυλα: Eth. ΒαικυλεύςSteph. B.).

1. A town of Hispania Baetica, in the territory of Castulo, and near the silver mines W. of that city. It was the scene of Scipio's victories over Hasdrubal (B.C. 209), and over Mago and Masinissa, B.C. 206. (Plb. 10.38, 11.20; Liv. 27.18—20; 28.13.) It is apparently the Βαιτύκηof Appian (6.24), and it seems to correspond to the modern Baylen. (Ukert, vol. 1. p. 379; Forbiger, vol. 3. p. 64.)

2. A town of the Ausetani, in Hispania Tarraconenses. [AUSETANI] [P.S]

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