
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BASHAN(Βασάν, Βασανῖτις), sometimes represented as identical with Batanaea; but as Bashan was comprehended in the country called Peraea by Josephus,—which he extends from Machaerus to Pella, and even north of that—(for he reckons Gadara as the capital of Peraea, B. J. 4.7.3), and Peraea is distinguished from Batanaea ( Ant. 17.13.4, B. J. 3.3.5), they are certainly distinct. It was inhabited by the Amorites at the period of the coming in of the children of Israel, and on the conquest of Og, was settled by the half-tribe of Manasseh. ( Numb. 21.33—35, xxxii.; Deut. 3.1—17.) It extended from the brook Jabbok ( Zurka) to Mount Hermon ( Gebel-esh-Sheikh), and was divided into several districts, of which we have particular mention of the country of Argob,—afterwards named from its conqueror Bashan-havoth-Jair( Ib. 5.13, 14),—and Edrei, in which was situated the royal city Astaroth. ( Deut. 1.4, Josh. 13.12, 29—31.) It was celebrated for the excellency of its pastures; and the sheep and oxen of Bashan were proverbial. (Dent.32.14; Psal. 22.12; Ezek. 39.18; Amos, 4.1.) For its civil history see PERAEA