
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. ( Basel, or Bâle), in the Swiss canton of Bâle, is first mentioned by Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 30.3), who speaks of a fortress, Robur, being built near Basilia by the emperor Valentinian I. A.D. 374. After the ruin of Augusta Rauracorum ( Augst), Basilia became a place of importance, and in the Notitia it is named Civitas Basiliensium. It is not mentioned in the Itineraries or the Table.

2. This name occurs in the Antonine Itin. between Durocortorum ( Rheims), and Axuenna [AXUENNA], and the distance is marked x. from Durocortorum and xii. from Axuenna. D'Anville ( Notice) makes a guess at its position. [G.L]

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