
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BECHEIRES(Βέχειρες, Βέχειροι), a barbarous tribe on the coast of the Pontus (Apollon. 2.396, 1246; Dionys. Perieg. 765), mentioned with the Macrones, and as east of the Macrones. Scylax, following the coast from east to west, names the Becheires, and then the Macrocephali, supposed by Cramer to be the Macrones; but Pliny (Plin. Nat. 6.3) distinguishes the Macrones and Macrocephali. Pliny's enumeration of names often rather confuses than helps us; and it is difficult to say where he places the Becheires. But we might infer from Pliny and Mela (1.19) that they were west of Trapezus, and east of the Thermodon.