
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BE´BRYCES(Βέβρυκες, their country Βεβρυκία).

1. A nation on the Pontus in Asia. Stephanus (s. v. Βυσναῖοι) also mentions the Bysnaei as a tribe of Bebryces. Strabo (p. 295) supposes the Bebryces to have been of Thracian stock, and that their first place of settlement in Asia was Mysia. Dionysius Periegetes (805; and see the commentary of Eustathius) places the Bebryces where the river Cius enters the Propontus, that is, about the Gulf of Cius. Eratosthenes (Plin. Nat. 5.30) enumerates the Bebryces among the Asiatic nations that had perished. In fact, the Bebryces belong to mythology rather than to history. [G.L]

2. An Iberian people, regarded as aboriginal, dwelling on both sides of the Pyrenees. They were wild and uncivilized, and subsisted on the produce of their flocks and herds. (Avien. Or. Marit. 485; Sil. Ital.—443, 15.494; Tzetz. ad Lycophr. 516, 1305; Zonar. 8.21; Humboldt, die Urbewohner Hispaniens, p. 94.) [P.S]

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