
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BELLO´VACI(Βελλοάκοι, Strabo, p. 195), a Belgic people, the first of the Belgae in numbers and influence ( B. G. 2.4, 8; 7.59). It was reported to Caesar that they could muster 100,000 armed men. [BELGAE] Their position was between the Somnme(Samara) and the Seine, S. of the Ambiani, E. of the Caleti, and W. of the Suessones. It is conjectured that the small tribe of the Sylvanectes, E. of the Oise, who are not mentioned in Caesar, were in his time included among the Bellovaci. The whole extent of the territory of the Bellovaci probably comprehended the dioceses of Beauvaisand of Senlis. Ptolemy mentions Caesaromagus ( Beauvais) as the capital of the Bellovaci in his time. The only place that Caesar mentions is Bratuspantium. [BRATUSPANTIUM]

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