
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BE´RGOMUM(Βέργομον: Eth. Bergomas, atis: Bergamo), a city of Cisalpine Gauil,,situated at the foot of the Alps, between Brixia and the Lacus Larius: it was 33 miles NE. from Milan. (Itin. Ant. p. 127.) According to Pliny, who follows the authority of Cato, it was a city of the Orobii, but this tribe is not mentioned by any other author, and Bergomum is included by Ptolemy in the territory of the Cenomani. (Plin. Nat. 3.17. s. 21; Ptol. 3.1.31.) Justin also mentions it among the cities founded by the Gauls, after they had crossed the Alps, and expelled the Tuscans from the plains of northern Italy. (Justin. 20.5.) No mention of it is, however, found in history previous to the Roman Empire, when it became a considerable municipal town, as attested by inscriptions as well as by Pliny and Ptolemy. It seems to have derived considerable wealth from valuable copper mines which existed in its territory. (Plin. Nat. 34.1. s. 2; Orell. Inscr. 3349, 3898.) In B.C. 452, it was one of the cities laid waste by Attila ( Hist. Miscell. 15. p. 549); but after the fall of the Roman Empire it is again mentioned by Procopius as a strong for—tress, and under the Lombard kings was one of the chief towns in this part of Italy, and the capital of a duchy. (Procop. B. G. 2.12; P. Diac. 2.15, 4.3.) In late writers and the Itineraries the name is corruptly written Pergamus and Bergame: but all earlier writers, as well as inscriptions, have Bergomum. The modern city of Bergamois a flourishing and populous place, but contains no ancient remains.

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