
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BIS(Βίς, Isid. Char. p. 8), a small town placed by Isidorus in a district of Aria, called by him Anabon (Ἀνάβων). It seems, however, more likely that it is a place at the confluence of the Arkand-Ab and the Helmend, now called Bost. Isidorus (l. c.) speaks of a place called Βύτin this district, which is probably the same as he had previously called Βίς; and Pliny (Plin. Nat. 6.23) says of the Erymanthus or Helsnend, Erymanthus praefluens Parabesten Arachosiorum,a mistake, doubtless, of his transcriber (i. e. Παρ' Ἀβήστρηνfor Παρὰ Βήστην). This is rendered more likely by our finding in the Tab. Peuting. Bestia, and in Geo. Rav. (p. 39) Bestigia. (Wilson, Ariana, p. 158.)

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