
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BISANTHE(Βισάνθη: Eth. Βισανθηνός: Rodasto, or Rodostshig), a great city in Thrace, on the coast of the Propontis, which had been founded by the Samians. (Steph. B. s. v.; Hdt. 7.137; Pomp. Mela, 2.2, 6; Ptol. 3.11.6.) About B.C. 400. Bisanthe belonged to the kingdom of the Thracian prince Seuthes. (Xen. Anab. 7.2. 38) At a later period its name was changed into Raedestum or Raedestus (Ῥαίδεστονor Ῥαίδεστος); but when this change took place is unknown. In the 6th century of our era, the emperor Justinian did much to restore the city, which seems to have fallen into decay (Procop. De Aedif. 4.9); but after that time it was twice destroyed by the Bulgarians, first in A.D. 813 (Simeon Magister, Leon. Armen. 9, p. 614, ed. Bonn), and a second time in 1206. (Nicetas, Bald. Fland. 14; Georg. Acropolita, Annal. 13.) The further history of this city, which was of great importance to Byzantium, may be read in Georg. Pachymeres and Cantacuzenus. It is generally believed that the town of Resistos or Resisto, mentioned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 4.18), and in the Antonine Itinerary (p. 176), is the same as Bisanthe; but Pliny (l. c.) mentions Bisanthe and Resistos as distinct towns. (Eckhel, vol. 2. p. 25.)
[L .S.]

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