
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BLANDA(Βλάνδα), a city of Lucania, mentioned by Ptolemy among the inland towns of that province; but placed both by Pliny and Mela on or near the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The former writer includes it in Bruttium, but this seems to be a mistake: Livy, who mentions Blanda among the towns which had revolted to the Carthaginians, but were recovered by Fabius in B.C. 214, expressly calls it a Lucanian city. (Liv. 14.20; Plin. Nat. 3.5. s. 10; Mel. 2.4; Ptol. 3.1.70.) The Tab. Peut. also places it on the road along the coast of Lucania: the adjoining names are corrupt; but if the distance from Cerilli may be depended upon, we may place Blanda at or near the modern Maratea, a small town on a hill about a mile from the Gulf of Policastro, where there are said to be some ancient remains. It is 12 miles SE. of Policastro(the ancient Buxentum), and 16 N. of the river Laus the frontier of Lucania. (Hlolsten. Not. in Cluver. p. 288; Romanelli, vol. 1. p. 379.)

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