
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BRACHO´DES(Βραχώδης ἄκρα, Ptol. 4.3.10), a promontory on the E. coast of Byzacium, in N. Africa, forming the N. headland of the Lesser Syrtis. It is called Ammonis (ἄκρα Ἄμμωνος Βαλίθωνοςby Strabo, who mentions the tunny-fisheries off it (17. p. 834). It was called Caput Vada (Καπούτβαδα) in the time of Justinian, who built upon it a town of the same name, in memory of the landing of Belisarius in the Vandalic War (Procop. Aed. 6.6); and it still retains the name Kapoudia, with the ruins of the city. (Shaw, Travels, p. 101; Barth, Wanderungen, pp. 176, 190.)