
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BRADANUS a river of Lucania, the name of which is found only in the Itinerary of Antoninus (p. 104), but which is undoubtedly the same still called the Bradano, a considerable river, which rises in the mountains near Venusia, and flows into the gulf of Tarentum, immediately to the N. of Metapontum. It appears to have formed in ancient times the boundary between Lucania and Apulia or Calabria, as it still does between the provinces of Basilicataand Terra d'Otranto. Appian (App. BC 5.93) speaks of a river of the same name(πόταμος ἐπώνυμος), near Metapontum, which can hardly be any other than the Bradano:hence it would appear that near its mouth it was known by the name of that city, although in the upper part of its course it was termed the Bradanus.