
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

BULLIS or BYLLIS(Βουλλίς, Ptol. 3.13.4; Βύλλις, Steph. B.: Eth. Βυλλινοί, Scylax; Byllini, Liv. 44.30; Βυλλίονες, Strab. 7. p. 326; Bulliones, Cic. ad Fam. 13.42, Phil. 11.11; Buliones, Plin. Nat. 3.23. s. 26; Βυλλιεῖς, Steph. B.; Bullienses or Bullidenses, Cic. in Pis. 40; Caes. B.C. 3.12, Plin. Nat. 4.10. s.17), a Greek city in Illyria frequently mentioned along with Apollonia and Amantia, in whose neighbourhood it was situated. Its name often occurs at the time of the civil wars (Cic. Phil. 11.1. 1; Caes. B.C. 3.40. et alii), but of its history we have no account. In the time of Pliny it was a Roman colony, and was called Colonia Bullidensis, (Plin.4.10.s. 17.) Its territory is called Βυλλιακήby Strabo (7. p. 316), who places it between Apollonia and Oricum. The ruins of Bullis were discovered by Dr. Holland at Gráditza, situated on a lofty hill on the right bank of the Aous ( Viosa), at some distance from the coast. There can be little doubt that these ruins are those of Bullis, since Dr. Holland found there a Latin inscription recording that M. Valerius Maximus had made a road from the Roman colony of Bullis to some other place. Stephanus and Ptolemy, however, place Bullis on the sea-coast; and the narrative of Livy (Liv. 36.7), that Hannibal proposed to Antiochus to station all his forces in the Bullinus ager, with the view of passing over to Italy, implies, that at least a part of the territory of Bullis was contiguous to the sea. Hence Leake supposes, that both Ptolemy and Stephanus may have referred to a λιμὴν, or maritime establishment of the Bulliones, which at one period may have been of as much importance as the city itself. Accordingly, Leake places on his map two towns of the name of Bullis, the Roman colony at Gráditza, and the maritime city at Kanina. (Holland, Travels, vol. 2. p. 320, seq., 2nd ed.; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 1. p. 35.)