Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CALE-ACTE (Καλὴ Ἀκτή : Eth. Καλακτίτης, καλοακτίτης, καλακταἱος, καλοάκτιος, Steph. B.: Akte/), a city on the W. coast of Crete, whose domain was probably bounded on the N. by the Phalasarnian, and on the W. and S. by the Polyrrhenian territory. A district called Akté, in the region of Mesoghia, his been identified with it. (Pashley, Trav. vol. 2. p. 57.) This place has been by some commentators on the New Testament confounded with the Fair Havens (Καλοὶ Λιμένες), to which St. Paul came in his voyage to Italy ( Acts, 27.8), and which is situated on the S. of the island. (Hoeck, Kreta, vol. 1. p. 440.)