
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CABE´LLIO(Καβαλλίων, Strab. p. 179: Eth. Καβελλιωνήσιος, Καβελλιωνίτης: Cavaillon), a town in Gaul, on the Druentia ( Durance), and on a line of road between Vapincum ( Gap) and Arelate ( Ailes). Stephanus (s. v. Καβελλίων), on the authority of the geographer Artemidorus, makes it a Massaliot foundation. Walckenaer ( Gëog. &c. vol. 1. p. 187) says that M. Calvet has proved, in a learned dissertation, that there was a company of Utricularii (boatmen, ferrymen) at Cabellio, for the crossing of the river. Such a company or corpus existed at Arelate and elsewhere. Cabellio was a city of the Cavares, who were on the east bank of the Rhone. Pliny calls it an Oppidum Latinum (3.4), and Ptolemy a Colonia. It was a town of some note, and many architectural fragments have been found in the soil. The only thing that remains standing is a fragment of a triumphal arch, the lower part of which is buried in the earth. In the Notitia of the Gallic Provinces civitas Cabellicorumis included in Viennensis. COIN OF CABELLIO.