
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CABILLO´NUM or CABALLINUM, with other varieties. Coins of this place, with the epigraph Caballo, are mentioned. Strabo (p. 192) has Καβυλλῖνον ( Eth. Cabellinensis : Châlon-sur-Saône), a town of the Aedui, on the west bank of the Arar ( Saône), which in Caesar's time ( B. G. 7.42) was a place which Roman negotiators visited or resided at. At the close of the campaign against Vercingetorix (B.C. 52), Q. Cicero, the brother of the orator, wintered here. The Antonine Itin. places it 33 M. P. or 22 Gallic leagues from Autun. Ammianus (15.11) mentions this place, under the name Cabillonus, as one of the chief places of Lugdunensis Prima; and from the Notitia Imp, it appears that the Romans kept a fleet of some description here.

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