
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CA´LLIFAE a town of Samnium, mentioned only by Livy (Liv. 8.25) who relates that the consuls C. Petelius and L. Papirius in B.C. 323, took three towns of the Samnites, Callifae, Rufrium and Allifae. Cluver supposes Callifae to be represented by the modern Carife, in the country of the Hirpini, between Frigentoand Trevico:but this position seems much too distant: and it is more probable that all the three towns were situated in the same neighbourhood. A local antiquarian has given strong reasons for placing Callifae on the site of Calvisi, avillage about five miles E. of Allife, at the foot of the Monte Matese, where. there exist some remains of an ancient town. (Trutta, Antichità Allifane, 4to., Napoli, 1776; Romanelli, vol. 2. p. 458; Abeken, Mittel Italien, p. 98.)

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