
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography


1. A river of Samnium, one of the most considerable of the tributaries of the Vulturnus, still called the Calore.It rises in the country of the Hirpini, in the same lofty group of mountains in which the Aufidus and the Silarus have their sources: from thence it flows first N. and then W., passes under the walls of Beneventum, and joins the Vulturnus a few miles SW. of Telesia. In this course it receives two tributary streams: the Sabatus or Sabbato, which joins it under the walls of Beneventum, and the Tamarus or Tamaro, about 5 miles higher up its course. It was on the banks of this river, about three miles from Beneventum, that the Carthaginian general Hanno was defeated by T. Sempronius Gracchus in B.C. 214; and some authors, also, represented it as the scene of the defeat and death of Gracchus himself two years later: which, however, according to Livy, really occurred at a place called Campi Veteres in Lucania. (Liv. 24.14, 25.17; Appian. Annib. 36.)

2. A river of Lucania, flowing into the Silarus. Its name is known only from the Itin. Ant. (p. 110) which marks a station Ad Calorem,on the road leading from Salernum into Lucania: the distances given are confused, but there is no doubt that the river meant is the one still called the Calore, which flows from the S. nearly parallel with the Tanagrus or Tanagro, and joins the Silarus ( Sele) about 5 miles from its mouth. [E.H.B]

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