
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAMBO´NUM a place in Gallia, mentioned in the Jerusalem Itin., on the road from Civitas Valentia ( Valence), through Civitas Vocontiorum (Die), to Mansio Vapincum ( Gap). The route is very particularly described. From Dieit goes to Mansio Luco ( Luc), then to Mutatio Vologatis ( Vaugelas); then the Gaura Mons is ascended, and the traveller comes to Mutatio Cambonum; the next station beyond Cambonum is Mons Seleucus ( Saléon). Walckenaer (vol. 3. p. 46) places Cambonum at La Combe, to the south of Montclus. D'Anville did not venture to assign a site for Cambonum; but if the road has been well examined, the place ought not to be doubtful.