
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAMBORICUM in Britain. Another reading is Camboritum, and perhaps this is preferable,—the -rit-having the same power with the Rhed-in Rhedyuna(Ox-ford)==ford.In this case the word would mean a ford over the Cam. The name occurs in the fifth Itinerary, and the difficulties which attend it are of the same kind as those noticed under CAMBODUNUM
The line, which is from London to Carlisle, runs to Caesaromagus ( Writtle), Colonia ( Colchesteror Maldon), Villa Faustini, Iciani, Camboricum, Durolipons, Durobrivae, Causennae, Lindum,—this latter point alone being one of absolute certainty, i. e. Lincoln. That Ancaster== Causennae is nearlycertain; but the further identifications of Villa Faustini with Dunmow, of Iciani with Chesterford, and Durolipons with Cambridgeor Godmanchester, and of Durobrivis with Caistoror Water-Newton, are uncertain. Add to this the circuitous character of any road from London to Lincoln viãeither Colchester or Maldon. The two localities most usually given to Camboricum are Cambridgeand Icklingham(near Mildenhall in Suffolk). In the former place there are the castraof Chester-ton and Grant-chester,in the latter a Camp-field, a Rom -pit-field, and numerous Roman remains. Again,—as Horsley remarks,—the river on which Icklingham stands runs into the Cam, so that the first syllable may apply to the one place as well as the other. Probably, the true identification has yet to be made.