
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CANGI a people of Britain, against whom Ostorius Scapula led his army, after the reduction of the Iceni. Their fields were laid waste; and, when this had been effected, the neighbourhood of the Irish Sea was approached ( ductus in Cangosexercitus—vastati agri—jam ventum haud procul maria quod Hiberniaminsulam aspectat,Tac. Ann. 12.32). This was A.D. 50, during the first(not the Boadicean) war against the Iceni. Ptolemy has a Cancanorum( Ganganorum) Promontorium, and the Geographer of Ravenna a town called Canca. Lastly, there is a station of the Notitiacalled Concangii. None of these exactly explain the Cangiof Tacitus. The Canca civitasis unknown; the Ganganorum Prom. is a headland of North Wales;the Concangiiare generally fixed in Westmoreland. Ptolemy's promontory, however, is the nearest. All that can be said is that the Cangi lay somewhere between the Iceni (East Anglia) and the Irish Sea. The Index of the Monumenta Britannicaplaces them in Somerset. North Walesis a likelier locality. For remarks on the value of the different statements of Tacitus in respect to Britain,see COLONIA

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