
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CANNINEFATES inhabited a part of the Insula Batavorum, and they were a tribe of the same stock as the Batavi, or only a division of the Batavi. (Tac. Hist. 4.15; Plin. Nat. 4.15.) They probably occupied the western part of the Insula, the Rhynland, Delftland, and Schieland;but Walckenaer, who extends the limits of the Insula Batavorum, on the authority of Ptolemy, north of Leyden to a place called Zandwoort, gives the same extension to the Canninefates. The orthography of the name is given with some variations. The Canninefates were subdued by Tiberius in the time of Augustus (Vellei. 2.105), according to Velleius, who places them in Germania; but no safe inference can be drawn from such an expression as to their limits. The Canninefates, with the Batavi and Frisii, rose against the Roman authority in the time of Vitellius (Tac. Hist. 4.15—79), under the command of Civilis. [BATAVORUM INSULA]

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