
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAPHA´REUS or CAPHE´REUS(Καφήρευς,) a rocky and dangerous promontory, forming the south-eastern extremity of Euboea, now called Kavo Doroor Xylofágo;it was known by the latter name in the middle ages. (Tzetzes, ad Lycophr. 384.) It was off this promontory that the Grecian fleet was wrecked on its return from Troy. (Eurip. Troad. 90, Helen. 1129; Hdt. 8.7; Strab. 8. p. 368; Paus. 2.23.1, 4.36.6; Verg. A. 11.260; Prop. 3.5. 55; Ov. Met. 14.472, 481, Trist. 1.1. 83, 5.7. 36; Sil. Ital.; Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 2. p. 423.)

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