
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARANUSCAT he Antonine Itin., says D'Anville, gives only xxxiiii between Divodorum Mediomatricorum ( Metz), on the Mosel, and Augusta Trevirorum ( Trier or Treves), also on the Mosel but lower down. There must have been intermediate stations between two such important positions, and the Table marks Caranusca and Ricciacum. D'Anville was not able to make anything of the road. Walckenaer ( Géog. &c. vol. 3. p. 89) has restored the route from the Itin. and the Table. He makes the distance between Metzand Trier42 Gallic leagues, or 63 Roman miles; and he places on the road from Divodurum, Theodonis Villa ( Thionville)18 M. P.; then Caranusca ( Canach), 24 M. P.; then Ricciacum ( Munscheeker), 10 M. P.; and then Trier, 10 M. P. But other geographers give quite a different account of the matter.