
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARASA a place in Aquitania, according to the Antonine Itin., on the route from Pompelo ( Pampelona), in Spain, through the western Pyrenees to Aquae Tarbellicae ( Dax). After passing the Summus Pyrenaeus and the Imus Pyrenaeus ( St. Jean Pied-de-Port), we come to Garis, a name which corresponds very well to Carasa. The distance, 18 M. P., from St. Jean Pied-de-Portseems to fit pretty well, as far as we can judge from the ordinary maps. D'Anville observes that 39 M. P., which the edition of the Itinerary by Surita and that by Wesseling give as the distance between Carasa and Aquae Tarbellicae, is a great deal too much. Walckenaer gives the distance at 28 1/2 M. P., according to the Naples MS.