
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARCATHIOCERTA(Καρκαθιόκερτα: Kharpút), the capital of SOPHENE one of the cantons of Armenia. (Strab. 11. p. 527; Plin. Nat. 6.10.) St. Martin ( Mém. sur l'Armenie, vol. 1. p. 188) considers that this was the ancient and heathen name of the city of Martyropolis [MARTYROPOLIS]; but Ritter ( Erdckunde, vol. 10. p. 811) has shown satisfactorily that this cannot be the case. Carcathiocerta does not occur in the Byzantine writers, but must be the same as the strong fortress which Cedrenus ( Hist. Comp. vol. 2. p. 686) calls Χάρποτε, and which commanded Mesopotamia. It was called by the Syrians Kortbest ( Chartbist, D'Anville; Khartabist, Herbelof; Haretbaret, Assemann; comp. Von Hammer, Gesch. den Osman, vol. 1. p. 226, vol. 2. p. 345). Kharpútis placed on an eminence at the termination of a range of mountains, commanding a beautiful and extensive plain. At no great distance is a lake, which, though described as salt, is really freshwater ( Lake Goljik), which Kinneir ( Geog. Mem. Pers. Emp. p. 335) conjectures to be the lake Colchis of the ancients. (Comp. Ptol. 5.13.) The word Kol, Kul, or Gulfrequently occurs in the interior of Asia, and signifies a tarn or mountain lake. (Ritter, Erdkunde, vol. 10. p. 103; Journ. Geog. Soc. vol. 6. p. 207, vol. 10. p. 3.65.)