
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CA´RCASO(Carcassone), a town in the Provincia of Caesar ( B. G. 3.20), and the Gallia Narbonensis of Pliny (Plin. Nat. 3.4), who calls it Carcasum Volcarum Tectosagum.Ptolemy (Ptol. 2.10) also mentions it as one of the towns of the Volcae Tectosages. It is on the Atax (Aude), and is now the capital of the department of Aude.In the campaign of P. Crassus in Aquitania during Caesar's government of Gaul, B.C. 56, Carcaso, Tolosa, and Narbo, furnished many brave soldiers for Crassus. They were summoned by the general from a muster roll. A column a few feet high, erected in honour of M. Numerius Numerianus, supposed to be the same as the son of the emperor Carus. was found a few miles from Carcassone, and is said to be the only monumental evidence that this was once a Roman town. But Numerianus was named M. Aurelius. In the Jerusalem Itinerary it is called Castellum Carcaso.

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