
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARPI, CARPIA´NI(Καρπιανοί, Ptol. 3.5. § 24), CARPIDES (Κάρπιδες, Anon. Per. Pont. Eux. p. 3), a people of Sarmatia Europaea, with whom the Romans were frequently at war (Capitol. Maxim. et Balb. 16; Vopisc. Aurel. 30; Eutrop. 9.25; Aurel. Vict. 39, 43; Herodian. 8.18, et seq.; Zosim. 1.20, 27). They are placed in different positions by different writers. The anonymous author of the Periplusplaces his Carpides, on the authority of Ephorus, immediately N. of the Danube, near its mouth; while Ptolemy places his Carpiani N. of the Carpates M., near the Amadoca Palus, and between the Peucini and Basternae. The latter position agrees well enough with the notices of the Carpi by the historians of the empire. (Ukert, vol. iii. pt. 2. p. 436).

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