
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CA´RSEAE(Κάρσεαι), a town so called, as it is supposed, by Polybius (Plb. 5.77). But perhaps Polybius uses the Ethnic name (πρὸς Καρσέας), as one may infer from the words which follow. King Attalus, with some Galatae, made an incursion against this place or people, and he reached them after crossing the river Lycus. A reading Καρησέαςinstead of Καρσέαςmentioned by Bekker (ed. Polyb.). There is some probability in Cramer's conjecture, that the place which is meant is the Caresus of Strabo [CARESUS] ; and there is nothing in the narrative of Polybius that is inconsistent with this supposition. This river Lycus is unknown.