
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CARSE´OLI(Καρσέολοι, Strab. ; Καρσίολοι, Ptol.: Eth. Carseolanus), a city of the Aequians or Aequiculi, situated on the Via Valeria, between Varia arid Alba Fucensis: it, was distant 22 miles from Tibur and 42 from Rome. (Strab. 5. p. 238; Itin, Ant. p. 309.) Livy expressly tells us that it was a city of the Aequiculi, and this is confirmed both by Pliny and Ptolemy, but when in B.C. 301 it was proposed to establish a colony there, the Marsians occupied its territory in arms, and it was not till after their defeat find expulsion that the Roman colony (to the number of 4,000 men) was actually settled there. (Liv. 10.3, 13.) Its name appears in B.C. 209, among the thirty Coloniae Latinae enumerated by Livy: it was one of the. twelve which oq that occasion declared their inability to furnish any further contingents.: and were punished in consequence at a later period by being subjected to increased burdens. (Liv. 27.9, 29.15.) It appears to have been a strong fortress, and was hence occasionlally used as a place of confinement for state prisoners. (Id. 45.42.) It is next mentioned by Florus (Flor. 3.18) during the Social War, when it was laid waste with fire and sword by the Italian allies. But it must have quickly recovered from this blow: it received a fresh accession of colonists under Augustus, and is noticed both by Pliny and Ptolemy as one of the chief towns of the Aequiculi; its continued existence as a flourishing town can be traced throughout the period of the Roman Empire, and we learn from inscriptions that it retained its colonial rank. As late as the 7th century P. Diaconus speaks of it as one of the chief cities of the province of Valeria. (Plin. Nat. 3.12. s. 17; Ptol. 3.1.56; Lib. Colon. p. 239; Orell. Inscr. 994; Murat. Inscr. p. 515. 2; P. Diac. 2.20.) The period of its decay or destruction is unknown; but the modern town of Carsoliis distant above 3 miles from the site of the ancient one, the remains of. which are still visible at a place called Civitanear the Osteria del Camvaliere, a little to the left of the modern road from Rome to Carsoli, but onthe Via Valeria, the remains of which may be distinctly traced. Great part of the walls of Carseoli are still visible, as well as portions of towers, an aqueduct, &c. These ruins were overlooked by Cluverius, nwho erroneously placed Carseoli at Arsoli, but were pointed out by Holstenius ( Not. in Cluv. p. 164); they are described in detail by Promis ( Ant. d'Alba Fucense, p. 57, &c.). The upper part of the valley of the Turano, in which Carseoli was situated, is at a high level, and hence its climate is cold and bleak, so that, as Ovid tells us (Fast. 4.683), it would not produce olives, though well suited for the growth of corn.

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