
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CATALAUNI or CATELAUNI. The Notitia of the provinces mentions the Civitas Catalaunorum among the cities of the Provincia of Belgica Secunda, and between the Civitas Suessionum and the Civitas Veromanduorum. Aurelian defeated Tetricus apud Catalaunos.(Eutrop. 9.13.) Ammianus Marcellinus (Ammian. 15.11) mentions Catelauni and Remi as states or peoples of Belgica Secunda. The Antonine Itin. places the Durocatelauni on a road from Autun, through Anxerreand Troyes, to Durocortorum ( Reims); and the Durocatelauni are next to Reims, at the distance of 27 M. P. It is easy to see that this place is Chiâlons-sur-Marne. There seems to be no extant authority for the name Durocatalaunum; but as there is Durocortorum, there may have been Durocatalaunum. According to in Gallia, the simple name Catalauni finally designated both the people and the town; and Châlonsis a corruption of Catalauni. At Châlonsthe Roman Aetius defeated Attila, A.D. 451. It is probable that the Catalauni were dependent on the Remi, or included in their territory. The Catalauni are represented by the old bishopric of Châlons. There are medals with the name of this people on them.

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