
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CAULARESL ivy (Liv. 38.15), in his history of the campaigns of Cn. Manlius in Asia, says that after leaving Cibyra he marched through the territory of the Sindenses, and having crossed the river Caulares, he encamped. On the next day he marched past the Lake Caralitis, and encamped at Mandropolis. In Spratt's Lycia (vol. 1. p. 249) this lake or swamp (palus) is identified with a great expanse of water choked with reeds and rushes.It is named in the map Soo Ood Guie, and lies a little north of 37° N. lat. The position of Cibyra is fixed at Horzoom, on the upper part of the Indus in Lycia: and in marching past the north part of this swamp eastward from Cibyra, the Romans would cross a river which joins the Indus, a little below Cibyra. This river will certainly be the Caulares, if the palus is rightly identified, for it is less than a day's march from the swamp.

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