
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CELEIA or CALEIA(Κέλεια), an important city in the south-eastern corner of Noricum (Ptol. 2.14.3; Plin. Nat. 3.27). In some inscriptions it is called a Roman colony by the name of Caleia Claudia (Orelli, Inscript. n. 501), and in others a municipium (Orelli, l. c.n. 3020). During the middle ages Celeia was the chief town of a Slavonian district called Zellia (Paul. Diac. 4.40); and it still bears the name of Cilly, and is rich in ancient architectural remains. (Comp. Itin. Anton. p. 129; Itin. Hieros. p. 560; Muchar, Noricum, vol. 1. p. 161.)

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