
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CERCI´NA or CERCENNA(Κέρκινα, Κέρκιννα: Karkenah, or Ramlah); and CERCINI´TIS (Κερκινῖτις, Κερκιννῖτις: Gherba); two islands off the E. coast of Africa Propria, at. the NW. extremity of the Lesser Syrtis, the opposite extremity of which was formed by the island of MENINX which Strabo reckons about equal in size to Cercinna. The two islands lie NE. and SW. as to the direction of their length, Cercinna being on the NE. and Cercinitis on the SW. They were joined by a mole. Cercina, which was much the larger, is reckoned by Pliny (Plin. Nat. 25M. P. long, and half as broad. Upon it was a city of the same name. The Maritime Itinerary makes Cercenna (Cercina) 622 stadia from TACAPE at the bottom of the Syrtis (Strab. 2. p. 123, xvii. pp. 831, 834; Ptol. 4.3.45; Dion. Perieg. 480; Stadiasm. p. 456; Itin. Ant. p. 518; Mela, 2.7.7; Plin. Nat. 5.7). Cercina, to which the smaller island seems to have been considered a mere appendage, is often mentioned in history. (Plut. Dio 43; Diod. 5.12; Plb. 3.96; Liv. 33.48; Hirt. Bell. Afr. 34, comp. Strab. 17. p. 831 ; Tac. Ann. 1.55, 4.13; comp. CYRAUNIS)

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