
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CERRETA´NI(Κερρητανοί, Strab. 3. p. 162; Ath. 14. p. 657; Κερροιτανοί, Ptol. 2.6.69), a small people of Hispania Tarraconensis, in the valleys on the S. side of the Pyrenees, especially the upper valley of the river SICORIS( Segre), which still retains the name of Cerdagne. They were of Iberian race, and were celebrated for the curing of hams, which rivalled those of Cantabria, and brought them large profits. (Strab., Ath. ll. cc.;Mart. 13.54; Sil. Ital..) They were situated W. of the AUSETANI and N. of the ILERGETES(Ptol.). In Pliny's time, they were divided into the Juliani and Augustani (Plin. Nat. 3.3. s. 4). The only city mentioned as in their country (except perhaps the Brachyle of Stephanus Byz. s. v. Βραχύλη) is Julia Libyca (Ἰουλία Λίβυκα), near Puigcerda. (Marc. Hisp. p. 59; Florez, Esp. S. vol. 5. p. 10, Append. vol. 24. p. 27; Ukert, vol. ii. pt. 1. p. 427.)

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