
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHABO´RAS(Χαβώρας, Ptol. 5.18.3; Plin. Nat. 30.3; CHABURA,Procop. B.P. 2.5; ABORRHASἈβόρρας, Strab. 16. p. 747; Zosim. 3.13; Ammian. 14.3, 23.5; ABURAS,Ἀβούρας, Isid. Char. p. 4), a large river of Mesopotamia which rises in M. Masius, about 40 miles from Nisibis, and flows into the Euphrates at Circesium ( Kerkesiah), Its present name is Khabúr. There is no doubt, that though differently spelt, the names all represent the same river, being only dialectical variations, or changes from the use of different aspirates. Procop. (l. c.) speaks of it as a river of importance, and Ammianus states that Julianus crossed it per navalem Aborae pontem.Strabo describes it as near the town of Anthemusia. Bochart conjectured that the Chaboras is the same as the Araxes of Xenophon (Xen. Anab. 1.4.19); but though we have stated elsewhere that this is probable [ARAXESN o. 4], we are disposed, upon reconsideration, to reject the conjecture, since the distance between Thapsacus, where Cyrus crossed the Euphrates, and this Araxes, is much greater than between Thapsacus and the river Chaboras.
The Chaboras is fed by several smaller streams, the names of which are mentioned in the later classical writers. These are, the SCIRTUS(Procop. de Aedif. 2.7), the CORDES(Ibid. 2.2), and the MYGDONIUS(Julian. Or. 1. p. 27).
Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.18.6) mentions a town called CHABORA(Χαβώρα), on the Euphrates, which he places near Nicephorion, and which probably derives its name from the river, and Simocat. (4.10) mentions Ἀβορέων φρούριον, which is, as certainly, the same place.