
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHADI´SIUS(Χαδίσιος) or CHADISIA (Plin. Nat. 6.3), a river of Pontus. There was also a town Chadisia (Χαδισία : Eth. Χαδίσιος). Hecataeus, quoted by Stephanus (s. v. Χαδισία), speaks of Chadisia as a city of the Leucosyri, that is, of the Cappadocians; and he says, the plain Themiscyra extends from Chadisia to the Thermodon.Menippus, in his Periplus of the two Ponti, also quoted by Stephanus, says: from the Lycastus to the village and river Chadisius is 150 stadia, and from the Chadisius to the river Iris 100 stadia.The Lycastus is 20 stadia east of Amisus ( Samsun), and Hamilton ( Researches, &c. vol. 1. p. 288) identifies it with the Mers Irmak, a river between two and three miles east of the Acropolis of Amisus. The Chadisius cannot be certainly identified, for the distance from the Lycastus to the Chadisius, according to Arrian, is only 40 stadia. The whole distance from Amisus to the Iris is 270 stadia, according to Marcian, who seems to have followed Menippus, but only 160 according to Arrian.