
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHALCE´TOR(Χαλκήτωρ: Eth. Χαλκήτωρ), a place in Caria. Strabo (p. 636) says that the mountain range of Grion is parallel to Latmus, and extends east from the Milesia through Caria to Euromus and the Chalcetores, that is, the people of Chalcetor. The site of Chalcetor is not ascertained. In another passage (p. 658) Strabo names the town Chalcetor, which some writers have erroneously altered to Chalcetora; but the form Χαλκητόρων (Strab. p. 636) is the Ethnic name (Groskurd, Transl. of Strabo, vol. 3. p. 55).
Stephanus has a place Chalcetorium in Crete (s. v. Χαλκητόριον); unless we should read Caria for Crete. (See Meineke's ed.)