
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHALCIA or CHALCE(Χαλκεία, Χαλκία, Χάλκη: Eth. Χαλκίτηςand Χαλκαῖος, Steph. s. v. Χάλκη: Chalki), a small island, distant 80 stadia from Telus and 400 from Carpathus, and about 800 from Astypalaea: it had a small town of the same name, a temple of Apollo and a harbour (Strab. p. 488; Plin. Nat. 5.31). Thucydides who mentions the island several times (8.41, 44, 55) calls it Chalce. Leon and Diomedon, the Athenian commanders (B.C. 412) after their attack on Rhodes, where the Peloponnesian ships were hauled up, retired to Chalce as a more convenient place than Cos to watch the movements of the enemy's fleet from. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 224) mentions an inscription found in Rhodes, which contains the Ethnic name Chalcetes. The island was near the west coast of Rhodes, and probably subject to Rhodes.