
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHARACOMA(Χαράκωμα, or Χαρακμῶβα, Ptol.), a city of Arabia Petraea mentioned by Ptolemy (Ptol. 5.17.5), the Kir of Moab of Isaiah (15.1), and the Χάρακαof 2 Mace. 12.17, the Hebrew ayin, signifying wallor fortress,as the Greek name does a fosse.The site of this ancient fortress of the Moabites is still occupied by a town of the same name. Kerakis situated about 20 miles to the east of the southern bay of the Dead Sea, and is built upon the top of a steep hill, surrounded on all sides by a deep and narrow valley, the mountains beyond which command the town.(Burckhardt, Travels, p. 379; Irby and Mangles, pp. 361—368.) It was a place of considerable importance in the time of the Crusaders, who built here a strong fortress, the origin of the modern Seraglio, and called it Mons Regalis. (Robinson, Bib. Res. vol. ii. pp. 565—570.)