
Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography

CHARADRA(Χαράδρα: Eth. Χαραδραῖος).

1. A city of Phocis, and one of the Phocian towns destroyed by Xerxes, is described by Pausanias as situated 20 stadia from Lilaea, upon a lofty and precipitous rock. He further states that the inhabitants suffered from a scarcity of water, which they obtained from the torrent Charadrus, a tributary of the Cephissus, distant three stadia from the town. (Hdt. 8.33; Paus. 10.3.2, 10.33.6; Steph. B. s. v.) Dodwell and Gell place Charadra at Mariolátes, at the foot of Parnassus, but Leake places it at Suvála, for two reasons:—1. Because the distance of 20 stadia is nearly that of Suválafrom Paleókastro, the site of Lilaea, whereas Mariolátesis more distant; and 2. The torrent at the latter does not join the Cephissus. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. ii. pp. 85, 86.)

2. Or CHARADRUS a town of Epeirus, situated on the road from Ambracus to the strait of Actium. (Plb. 4.63, 22.9.) It is also mentioned in a fragment of Ennius:—Mytilenae est pecten Charadrumque apud Ambraciai.
It is probably represented by the ruins at Rogús, opposite the village of Kanzá, situated upon the river of St. George, a broad and rapid torrent flowing into the Ambraciot gulf. There can be little doubt that this torrent was anciently called Charadrus, and that it gave its name to the town. (Leake, Northern Greece, vol. 1. p. 258, vol. 4. p. 255.)

3. A town in Messenia of uncertain site, said to have been built by Pelops. (Strab. 8. p. 360.)

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